Professional Certifications
SHRM Certification Overview
Earning your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential makes you a recognized expert and leader in the HR field—and a valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today’s economy. This professional
distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.
The profession is no longer just about what you know—facts and figures—but rather how you effectively implement that knowledge in the workplace each and every day. SHRM certification provides you the opportunity to prove not only what you know but also how you can apply that knowledge on the job.
SHRM certifications directly link to on-the-job scenarios and realistic work situations, making them the most relevant certifications available for HR professionals. Seventy-five percent of examinees say the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams are more job-relevant than any other HR certification.
HR certification must be as inclusive and diverse as the profession itself. Built upon one comprehensive SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge™ (SHRM BoCK™), SHRM certification is applicable across industries, geographic borders, job responsibilities and career levels. Whether your organization has a global focus or not, customers and talent can come from anywhere, and a universal set of skills is preferred.
The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials are based on the current HR landscape, focusing on the competencies and knowledge HR professionals need to lead in today’s business community. Boost your confidence to take that next step in your HR career or to distinguish yourself in a job search. More than 5,000 employers are seeking SHRM credential-holders every month.
Based on in-depth research focused on—and backed by—global employers and business leaders, the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials reflect what HR practitioners need to know to be leaders in their organizations and in the profession.
The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials are state-of-the-art certifications offered by SHRM, the world’s largest HR membership organization and the industry leader in HR professional development. For more than 60 years, SHRM has supported more than 100,000 employers representing 140 million employees worldwide. To date, over 100,000 HR professionals have earned their SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
SHRM is proud to announce that both its competency-based certification exams—the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP—have been accredited by the Buros Center for Testing, and recognized as meeting the highest standards in testing. Learn More.
HRCI Certification Overview
HRCI certification is a career-long commitment that demonstrates dedication, credibility and a mastery of the principles of human resources to your
To become certified, you must meet strict professional experience and educational requirements before taking the exam. To remain certified, you must stay current in the HR profession and recertify every three years. You display your certification by putting the credential after your name. Learn More.
Earning HRCI Certification Sets You Apart
Provides you with a fully accredited credential –
- All of our core products are accredited and meet the National Commission for Certifying Agencies’ (NCCA) rigorous standards.
- Validates your expertise – HRCI certification provides you with competency based, professionally relevant credentials that are highly valued in HR and business communities.
- Connects you to an exclusive network of motivated HR professionals around the globe – Nearly 140,000 certified HR thought leaders work in more than 100 countries and territories.
- Delivers nearly 40 years of history – Established in 1976, HRCI is the largest HR certification organization in the world.
- Earns recognition from your organization and peers – Business leaders find HR certified professionals to be more self-motivated.
How Certification Differs from a Certificate Program
Compared with certificate programs, certification has three main advantages:
- Requires specific work experience, competency and education;
- Requires recertification, which makes sure that you stay current in the HR profession through continuing education;
- Allows you to use the credential after your name.
In other words, certification typically consists of the three “E”s: Education, Experience and Examination.